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Fo Schizzle's newbie post


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Greetings all, My in-game name is Fo Schizzle,


I have just started playing JK2 multiplayer tonight, this morning, ummm afternoon .... nevermind ;) The important thing is I see alot of fun hours learning the ways of the Light Saber.I played a few differant servers, The first looked like a Square Dance with folks running away from each other and then turning their rears in unison and closing in on each other hindend first. Now I never thought I would see the day that I played a video game that let folks rub virtual butts together, differant strokes for differant folks, I guess. As well as being called a few choice words for "going postal" I am aware of the no saber rule, sorry to the folks I sliced up by accident, its a pretty fast pased game ;)


Actually I wasted the bandwidth on the post to ask a few questions, I seemed to like the "Nice People" server because of the double bladed saber and the ability to turn dismemberment on, But from what I have seen the nice folks have headed for greener pastures and the "Booty People" are there as well as other shady dealings. Are there any other servers such as this that are administrated where the rules are enforced ?


Lastly, Not to offend ANYONE, but me being a mature gamer ( being born in the early 70s) I was wondering if there was any Guilds,Clans etc. that has a majority of folks over the age of 25. I am not saying that older people are better, smarter, better looking (well maybe:). But its easier to relate to folks my own age, However I am sure there is some young buck who is gonna school me for saying that,all I can say is ..... Bring it ;)



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Here is the solution to all your problems:


Uninstall JK2 completley, REBOOT, reinstall the JK2 game from the CD, REBOOT, DO NOT INSTALL THE PATCH, play and have fun.


In 1.02, we don't fight each other ass first, neither will you. This is primarily due to the fact that in our game, they're other ways to kill people in under 5 minutes, and we do so facing one another.


Come to:


nuclearfallout.net | Saber Only 1.02c

[szg] Sokar's FFA | Saber Only 1.02

[szg] Sokar's Duel | Saber Only 1.02


Or you can try out one of these GS set servers with 1.03. I'm actually considering giving it another shot.


See you in the game (maybe).

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