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hello again.. question on smoke


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im back again... hope you guys enjoyed my first map Bespin Trials located at jedioutcastmaps.com ... now im making a duel map and i was wondering if theres anyway to improve fps when smoke is around


cause they drop down to around 15 fps at that time... and im using a AMD 1900 xp w/ Geforce4 mx


any help is appreciated ;)


Lord Wrath

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well i have a couple screenshots to show what im talking about.

the framerates in this pic drop down to 20 fps when the meteor hits the ground.. now this is a cool effect and i dont wanna have to take it out so i really need your advice on how to fix this problem




Lord Wrath





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now 20 fps isnt that bad for a fast comp but on a slow end comp that could bring it to its knees.


on my comp when the meteor hits it has slight choppyness than back to normal... also i put in rockfaces and mountains... could they have anything to do with the low fps in that area?


also 1 more thing... does anyone know how to make the meteors cause damage to ppl when they hit them or near them?


cause i checked the damage box but nothing happens


Lord Wrath

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I feel ya man, truly.


I really wish I could help but I'm afraid I don't even know how to add smoke. In fact that's one of the things I'm trying to figure out now. Do you know how to add a little smoke coming out of a pipe like in the Raven/LA CarbonChamber duel_map?


Also, I somehow doubt there is any way you can reduce FPS with smoke other than reducing the ammount of smoke produced, if that is possible.

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Thanx for replying.. i didnt add the smoke persay


the smoke comes from when the meteor hits the ground , it kicks up the smoke


as far as adding smoke to maps... all i can say is go thru all the effects ... make a small map just for compiling effects like i did so you can decide which ones you wanna use... i did a steam and water effect


hope that helps a little


Lord Wrath

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Smoke, fog, etc, are particle effects, unfortunately Raven doesn't have a scalable amount of particles that those effects display.


Your video card might though.


Right click on your desktop go to properties/settings then hit the advanced button and that's where your video card settings should be tweakable.


Best solution I know of.

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SP levels have more leaniancy than MP levels.


Your frames are so low because of the amount of overdraw you're getting from the smoke. Any complex shaders, too many polygons, or effects within a certain range will cause massive FPS drops, as you can see :/


No real way around it that I know of unless you make the smoke smaller some how (can it be done with multiple targets?)


Is it a single player level, or multiplayer?

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It's a Duel map... Multiplayer


i was out of town and just got back so i'll try to finish the map so you all can check it out


maybe if ppl turn down some of there settings they might not get affected... my settings are all on high and i havent even tried it yet.. but i'll let ya know

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