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emplaced guns


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hmm...... i thing you can, as long as you dont plan on making the falcon move.... just plop an entity up there and make it so you can still climb the ladder up to it, either that or you could do whatever the hell they did when you had to fight reelo by controling the gun from inside the ship..

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its probably a script to put the stormie in the right animation pose on it and to make the gun target enemies automatically and to make the gun switch from auto when the stormie dies


i was looking into it for a while but it looked to much of a hassle so i quit it


try going through the scripts that raven released for something that looks like it would do it, especially scripts i the yavin_valley folder - thats where heaps of emplaced gun stormies were in the game



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Originally posted by Destructive

so i guess i have to do something to the gun in radiant... but i cant figure out what...


LOL, yes. You must give it a targetname.


Gun settings:


key: targetname

value: gun1


NPC settings:


key: parm1

value: gun1


key: spawnscript

value: path to the script you posted above

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