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Bounty Hunters Guild


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I everyone,

I just want to throw this out to anyone who is interested in starting a clan with me. I am thinking of making a Bounty Hunters Guild or a Mandolorian Warrior Clan. I am not very good at making websites but, if anyone is interested in co-creating this clan with me I can definetly help you create the site and get members to join, so if anyone wants to be a part of this just let me know, my email is jyakkumael@hotmail.com

So, if this does get underway i think it would be great, there would be no allegiances to lightside or darkside, whatever works best for you. I think a clan of Mandolorian Warriors would be a fierce force to fight against, especially for those of us specially profecient with a lightsaber.

Alright, Im leaving this in your hands people, if this gets enough momentum it would be so cool.

May The Force Be With You...

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WOW!!! Im really sorry i haven't contacted you. I had a lot of problems with my computer and I upgraded to a GeForce4Ti4200 64DDRRAM AGP card, so i had to do a lot of stuff to my comp, but wow this looks great, like i said im sorry for not posting more often please email me if you still want to do this because im all for it. PLEASE EMAIL me at jyakkumael@hotmail.com

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Hey anyone that even looks at this thread should take into consideration this clan, well its a order which means that each member should create a Mandolorian persona and et into character when in the guild, our objectives are to play, havea good time, and as Mandolorian Warriors if given enough time we can rise to become a formidable force. We could even take down the so called mighty "Jedi Orders". So if you're interested email me at jyakkumael@hotmail.com. Darth Kane email me so that we can come up with ideas of rank and our goals as a clan.

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Hi I am interested in joining your clan I was planning to start my own.. but decided it was to much work for the webpage ^_^ anyway I am pretty good an was wondering if there was still room on the council? My old clan is kind of getting boring since we are just there and don't have clan matches or anything..

Well let me know bye for know:bdroid2:

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