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Hey everyone!/ Anyone want to help with a flying-shooter?


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Hey everyone,


I'm new here and I figured I would say hi!


I have also been trying to start my own possible game development team over the internet. I'm hopeing to develope a new multi-player only 360 degree flying-shooter. I was thinking of either talking to id software about useing the Quake 3 engine or useing Crystal Space or genisis. If anyone here knows how to program or knows how to construct highly detailed models or textures, I would love to have you guys help me out on this project! I allready have some models that I'm working on for it. I'm also learning 3ds max at the moment. I don't know anything about programming but I have worked on variouse mods for about three years and I have been learning. I figured I would start on some familiar ground with a flying-shooter being that I have worked mostly on ships, tables, designes and levels for Descent 3 (another flying-shooter) and Freespace 2. Please, help me out if your interested! I would love to have some of you Star Wars fans aboard! One of the big focus's is to create a game where you can have some intense dogfight style duels :) That is one of the coolest things about flying-shooters.


My website is at:




The BB is at:








Also, to let everyone know a little about myself, I am 18, from Idaho, and I have been a Star Wars fan practically since the day I was born hehe :) I especially loved The Empire Strikes Back and ROTJ. I didn't like Episode 1 because I felt that the characters were a little cheesy. That almost ruined it for me but my love for SW came back with JO, and Ep2 :)


By the way, I have been running JO on a Voodoo 3 2000 3dfx card. I have had some problems and there doesn't seem to be any good fixes for it. The main thing I am haveing trouble with is the movies. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions.

One last problem is that I can't seem to get online with this. It works fine with bots but when I join a game, the loading screen and the main screen combine. If I had a better connect and a good 3D card that is supported, I would love to duel with some of you guys!

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