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MilkShape GLM Import: Adding The Skin


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So, I can import a .glm model into MilkShape (Desann in this case), but, of course, he has no skin, he's just a grey shape.


How do I go about getting the skin onto the model?


Can I then successfully export/save it as an .md3 so I can use it as eye candy (the infamous 'Desann-icle') in my level?


I appreciate any help you can give as long as it's, well, helpful! :) I'm a total newbie with MilkShape. :confused:

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Milk shape can export MD3 so you shouldnt have too much trouble making that ice sculpture, just ask if you have troubles or questions about exporting.


(ok so im not really helping you out, but i'll do my best if you have specific questions.)

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