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Add a new saber - some problems

Garik Loran

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Quick question (as I'm in a hurry)

I've added a new colour on top of white (so...what's that, an 8th colour I think?) but I can't select it in the menu...I don't remember changing anything regarding the number of saber colours or anything, so that could be a problem, I just did as you said and searched for "purple," and added my colour below your white in each instance.


Anyway, everything else works fine, I used color1 7 to make sure of that, but would you (Garik, or anyone else who knows, I guess) mind posting a tiny little walkthrough on making the saber colour selectable in the menu(s)?


I'd appreciate it very much....!




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@ Royal

Read the MakeAMod_readme.txt, it descripes the way of compiling.


Becuase you have figured it out you know that there is a variable that has to be changed and the ui.shader has to be edited.


I will post more on this if another one has this problem as well.

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Forgive me for sounding the newbie, but this is just MP correct? Color1, as I recall, was an MP command. Is there any way to get this into SP? I would like to introduce a plethora of new sabercolors into SP [ice blue, obviously, as well as Corran's silver and a few others seen in the EU].


If anyone can help with that, I'd greatly appreciate it!

~ Michael

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Garik can i send you my source code ? I'm downloading the compiler right now but it is going slow as hell. Do you think you might be able to compile it for me ? it includes all my sabers plus it uses the one u made.




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Originally posted by Harukaze

Forgive me for sounding the newbie, but this is just MP correct? Color1, as I recall, was an MP command. Is there any way to get this into SP? I would like to introduce a plethora of new sabercolors into SP [ice blue, obviously, as well as Corran's silver and a few others seen in the EU].


If anyone can help with that, I'd greatly appreciate it!

~ Michael



i think you have to name the image files as the blue saber.. then it should replace it... well if you can do it with the model then why shouldn't you could do it with the saber color?!

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Originally posted by Master Burner

i think you have to name the image files as the blue saber.. then it should replace it... well if you can do it with the model then why shouldn't you could do it with the saber color?!

The problem is that you can only replace the sprite. No adding new ones in SP. And when you replace an old saber the trail color is still the original, because that's hardcoded.

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I'd just like to say that i managed to get a new lightsaber color to completely work in mp. It is even selectable in the menu thingy with the other ones. So, if any of you are still having problems with your coding of it, or strange looking errors, i might be able to help.

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In that zip file, you only have some of the source code. Very very little of it. You need the whole workspace. You don't compile files individually, you do it a project at a time.


Besides that, after a quick glance throguh what you did supply, it looks like it would probably work if when in game you brought down the console and typed color1 6.


you're greenblue_line.jpg and greenblue_glow2.jpg i think should be .tga files (at least thats how i have them and they work fine). You can't just change the file type, because that gives an error when you try to start the game. You have to save them as the .tga file from inside photoshop.


There are probably other things wrong with it right now, but i didn't look too closely.

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First , i don't have your sdk to put it in, just a couple source and header files.

Second, do you have any programming experience? If not it might be better just to find something thats already made which you could use. jediknightii.net has many many files, something probably does close to what you want.

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nope didn't work :-\

and I did put it in the entire SDK togethor before i compiled... no luck :(


could i get you to compile it for me?? and get it to work? since it seems its my ******* compiler thats the problem...






erh ops forgot the "I" in that sentence before...

but anyway I have some JAVA programming knowledge but not much... and the SDK don't you have that one from the JK2Tools2.exe file?? thats where i got mine from....

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What compiler do you have? I would recomend Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, because everything else sucks. If you that, open the jk2mp-sdk.dsw file, and compile all three projects, switch between projects from the projects.set active project menu. compile by going to build.rebuild all once compiled you need to go to the source folders and run game.bat, cgame.bat and ui.bat (for the different projects). Those will make .qvm files in the code/base/vm directory. Then you must make a .pk3 file, and put the vm directorty (with the 3 .qvm files) into a folder in the gamedata folder. then when you start the game, goto setup and then mods, and it should display the name of the folder with the .pk3 file in it (unless you screwed up).

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