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Possible solution to bot waypoint problem with custom maps (Although probably not)


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This has probably already been thought of, or just doesn't work, but I felt compelled to post this in the outside chance that it might possibly work...


I remember when the VERY first Q3A MP Demo Test came out a few years back, that someone came up with a way to unlock bots, thus allowing people to play around with the 2 maps that came with it with bots instead of having to log onto a server to play. Now if I'm not mistaken, there was a command that had to be issued when this fix was first implemented that wrote some sort of "roadmap" of each level so that the bot would be able to move around, pick things up, etc. When this command was executed, it actually took about 30-60 seconds for each level that it was writing for; when it was all done, there was a new file present, and the bot was able to roam normally. I could be mistaken, but I believe the file had a ".aas" extention. I'm a newbie and don't know much about editing Q3 engine games, but I thought I'd post this just in case it hadn't been thought of yet. Maybe all we have to do is execute this command for each custom level, and wallah! Please be kind if I'm completely talking out of my ".aas". :p

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Personally, I prefer the NPCs to the back peddling bots that come with MP.


In addition, while it does require using the "helpusobi 1" cheat, I have found that spawned NPCs don't need any waypoints and have used them (Desann, Tavion, Reborns) on custom maps that don't have any bot waypoints which is a BIG plus in my book as it does allow you to at least get a feel for the map in actual combat.


Just my two cents.

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