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error:CL_ParsePacket_Entities:End of Message

Darth Lackey

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I would suggest looking through your custom scripts (if you downloaded any... for instance, two skin scripts under the same name would probably cause this error whenever said name is accessed :eek: ) and/or reinstalling the game. If these don't work, you could always use the disk as an expensive frisbee... ;)


Another thing that could cause this error is if you're missing some of the essential entity or skin files (for instance, if your lando entity file cannot be parsed properly because it isn't there or is broken in some way) from the game. I believe JKII.net has an essentials section that you could look through.


-Merc out :jawa

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One more thing: CL more than likely stands for "client," and I'm not sure if that would help in any way, but it made me remember one other piece of advice:


-If all else fails, click the "reset defaults" button in the Options menu of the game. This is a last resort before uninstalling, but if it works, it works. :)

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