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Wingman Cordless Rumbel...


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I use it, and actually prefer it to a keyboard. As far as Profiles, haven't seen any on the Internet to download, but I use the left thumbstick for movement forward, backward, turn left, and turn right; right thumstick for straffing left and right. A,B,C, buttons for neutral force powers, X,Y,Z, buttons for Dark/Light side force powers. R1 = primary fire, R2 = secondary fire, L1 = jump, L2 = crouch. For those times to look up and down, I also use the mouse.

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Ok that sounds about what I use. I set it up within the game and did not use the profiler. Do you have to [shift ~] and run a gampad.cfg like the JKII instructions? or did you just map in game? Also could you use the right thumbstick to also look up and down?


Thnaks, for the help.



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