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Is there a way to...?(stupid search is down, grrrrr)

Grets Sirob

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there is a way to do it, but it's not a console command, you have to create a pk3 file that replaces the kyle model and skins with the character you'd like to play as.


if you go to the files section, under "modifications" you can find some mods already made to let you play as some of the other characters in SP, but I don't recall seeing a chiss mod there yet.


the purple one

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It is quite simple:



Open the assets0.pk3 and sort the files according to path, so that you can see the various npcs as "models/chars/<charname>"



Extract the files of the npc you want ot use as Single Player... eh... player to the desktop



rename the folder to kyle




If you extracted the stormtrooper files to "windows\desktop\models\chars\stormtrooper", rename that folder to "windows\desktop\models\chars\kyle".



Make an uncomressed pk3 file with the right path ("models/chars/kyle"), be sure that its name is not alphabetically prior to assets0.pk3. and place it into the base folder.



You're done and I hope you enjoy playing.


(Certain models, like the reborn, have various skins. Be sure to choose the right .skin file. Rename the variant you want to use (for example model_acrobat.skin) to model_default.skin)

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Actually, what do you mean by this?:

Extract the files of the npc you want to use as Single Player... eh...player to the desktop

Maybe I'm just a complete idiot, but I don't understand what you mean by that last part...





:craider: *tusken battle cry*

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