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Mapping Competition Commences Today!


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Thats right! MapHq.net is proud to announce the first Jedi Knight 2 Mapping Competition. The long awaited competition for Jedi Knight 2 kicks off today! There will be no prizes for the very first competition (there will be several) as we have only just started up this site and we are a little low on funding! :) But in our second competition and 3rd there will be prizes depending on the response we get from this first one.


The link to the site is http://www.maphq.net and it has all the details for the competition. There is also forums there for all your mapping needs. The competition starts today and you have 6 weeks to do it. The due date for the maps is 21st July 2002! There are 2 categories including CTF and Duel/FFA! You can send in up to 2 maps, 1 for each category. Uploading details to upload your map to us to judge it will be up on the site soon. So for the moment get into the map editor and get cracking!


Thats about it at the moment. The more support we get the better the next round will be. Thank you for your support.


MapHq.net Staff


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What will the judges be ruling on?

Do the judges themselves have building knowledge?

What experience will the judges have?

What rules are there to each catagorey of the maps?

Custom textures alowed? Custom textures only?


IMO it's great you're trying to get something going, but it needs something else to pull people in. At the moment you're asking people to just make a map and send it to you guys for a competition that is more just like submitting it to some review site - except we don't get to release it beforehand ourselves.


Competitions have to have something that will pull people in. Most of them have prizes, which you've pointed out you can't get at the moment. Thats fine, but as that is the case, you need something else to pull the people in.


I haven't run a competition before, but I know what to look for in one, in order to become interested and involved. At the moment I just see a page that posts the rules that pretty much every review site hosts as their submitting criteria. As this is (I assume) going to be an 'exclusive' to your site, i.e no one else can get the maps anywhere apart from visiting your site - at least for some time; there needs to be more of a reason for people to enter than just to win a contest for everyday mapping...

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The judges will be judging on:








I have 3 judges who will be judging the maps. I, myself have had expereince in making maps for 3 games. Deus Ex, Red Faction and Tribes2. I have also had a little experience with jkradient (only a little). The other 2 judges are working on a single player map for jk2 right now, so they have some experience in it to.


You also said that we need something to pull people in? What can we do? We have already stated that getting prizes for the first competition was going to be a hard task, but if we got lots of support from the community next time around it will not be so hard.


As far as textures go you can use anything as long as it isn't stolen or have gotten permission from the creator of it. The map rules are on the site.


Anything else?

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So how does it differ from a review site?


You need a theme/objective that will catch peoples eye so they become interested.


The rules are on your site, but not what you'll be judged on - which should always be listed.


Why design and playability? The two can be classed as the same thing. If designed well, it will play well. If designed bad, it will play bad.

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everything on the scoring is upcoming still.... i havent had a chance to update the site ina bout 3 weeks.... too busy with other things....


design is the basic concept of the map and how well the author managed to put together what we belive he intended to put together.


playability has more to do with size, openness, and other factors that contribute to making the map easy to play on...


objective: Beat everyone else.. Why???? to have made the best damn map that has ever been seen on jkii and get it widely publicized by Map Central and all other JK2 sites?


any more questions i can shoot down for ya?

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"objective: Beat everyone else.. Why???? to have made the best damn map that has ever been seen on jkii and get it widely publicized by Map Central and all other JK2 sites?"


Obviously, but what good is it when there is no structure to it? No one here really knows a lot about MapHQ, their popularity, what they do, who's behind it or how much impact one of their comps might produce your own publicity if you were to win it.


Granted that it's just for fun, but as you can no doubt see - there isn't a lot of interest. You have to ask yourself why and I've pretty much explained the main reasons in previous posts.


I haven't actually heard anything about MapHQ until now. I remember reading the poll on whether people would be interested or not, but since then, I haven't heard a peep. I visit this forum multiple times a day and all of a sudden the competition re-appears. There's been no preperation, promotion, idea gathering etc that I've seen. You need to get yourself an audience before trying to target one.


If you really want to make it a successful competition, do some research. Find out what people would want in a competition and keep the ideas up in the air for more people to have their input. By the poll, however long ago it was, people showed that they do want one. By people not showing interest now, points out that this kind of comp isn't what those people were after...


Have a twist to it, look up what some other places have held comps for with differen't games. Get some ideas, and then get some feedback. Then document it, promote it and present it to possible sponsors.


I appreciate the offer to help out, but time is a valuable thing and as of late - something I don't have an awful lot of.

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Um, you should have performance be a category, I can spend six weeks making the most ridiculous eye candy ever (most anyone can) and have r_speeds of 45k =p. In fact, there's a ctf map released recently, won't name names, that has gotten all star reviews at jedioutcastmaps and is positively the most unplayable garbage I've ever seen, with an average of 30k plus.


Making maps on the q3a engine is 50 percent inspiration, 50 percent technical tweaking. :p

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I suppose, if performance is mentioned nowhere it's not exactly an emphasized category. Moreover, just looking at your fps doesn't cut it, if a given judge has a med-high end machine he'll have 20 fewer fps off of his 120, however the low end user, which is most people would find the map absolutely unplayable, hence the necessity of looking at r_speeds.

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It is up to the judges to decide that the r_speeds should be decent. It would even be better if they would put a max of 10-12k. I can play a map with 30k r_speeds without a problem, yet on lowend machines it will go very choppy. r_speeds must be considered.

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It is up to the judges to decide on what the r_speeds should be, or whether they want a limit at all, it's not the judges role to make sure you abide by every day mapping standards.


If the judges know their stuff then they'll be looking at r_speeds and noting it down with inclusion into the overall score. Just like if the mappers know what they're doing, they'll try and keep r_speeds down.


It's the mappers responsibility, not the judges. If you are building a map for public release you don't go running to a judge and see if the r_speeds are ok, you base it off what the majority of maps are giving off. In your case you'd base it off 10k - 12k.


It needs to be noted in the competition rules, but not given a whole marking catagorey.

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Edit: Missread.


I know it needs to be noted, I stated it in my post above. I'm arguing that it doesn't need its own marking structure. If r_speeds are bad, how is playablilty going to score well? How is design going to score well? How is anything going to score well?


This needs to be outlined in the rules, but not smothered. If mappers can't map to the rules, then they won't win the competition. It's not loss to the community or the competition as the map was and never will be eligable.

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