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Slave I Model Completed!


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Now all I gotta do is figure out how to convert the dang .max into a .md3 lol. Its 967 polys, and i made the skin myself.






If someone would be willing to convert the model, I would gladly put their name in the credits of course... (Plus they could get first dibs of using it in a mod or something...)

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Can't believe that. You've done the hardest part of the job and can't put it into glm ? :D

Well, you only need a small plug-in. I think it's called Plug N' Play or something like that. Generally it creates a .md3, but you'll have to rename it to .glm if my memory works properly.

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uhhh....why would he want to convert it to .glm? its not a character, its an object =P


jk2 uses .md3's for in-game objects. you just have to put it into a folder in your models>map_objects folder ('ships' would be a good idea, since thats where the x-wing and tie fighter are...) and then make a map, use misc_model, and search to the directory and open up the .md3. that should be all you need to do.




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