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Saber throws slowed?? and shield animations slowed?

Luvac Zantor

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I co-admin a server and on this server oddly enough it looks like one of the other admins did something that has slowed down saber throws.


The result of this is that saber throws return much slower, and the animation for the throw is jerky and NOT smooth!!!! (aka 3-4 adminations for the complete 360 twirl)


also, if a player gets hit when they have shields, the shield animation is also slowed. (looks like lag, but only the shield admination)


1. How can I rcon the server back to defaults?

2. How can I rcon the server to restart/reboot?

3. Anyone know the commands that did this?


I did notice that you are now unable to do the glitch with the saber swinging around you by holding the attack button down. While this move is nothing but flash and provides no real defense, I can't think that someone implemented something to counter this.


FYI, server IP is if you want to see for yourself.


For me, any other server I goto is fine, just this one.


oh and a side note, I am also not able to have more than one person connect from behind my firewall to this server (all other servers are fine) and yes, we are all set to use a different port.

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