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Story / Continuity Questions (Expanded Universe)....


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I love the game & am nearly halfway through, having just fought my first Reborn Jedi in the Bespin air Shafts, and there's just a couple of niggling points in my head regarding the storyline, and continuity problems with the rest of the series etc.... If anyone has extensive knowledge of the Expanded Universe, please help me out....


1: Kyle's Lightsaber.


Has no-one else noticed that Luke appears to have given Kyle the wrong lightsaber back? If you remember, from JK1 and MotS Kyle ends up with a yellow lightsaber owned by Yun, the first Dark Jedi from JK1... so how come Luke's given Kyle back a blue one instead?


2: Luke & Jedi Academy.


If I remember correctly, the game's supposedly set about 10-11 years after the battle of Endor, and about 6 years after JK1. According to the Expanded Universe, when during this time is Luke supposed to have set up the Academy? Also, has Luke married Mara Jade yet in this period? What's their relationship during Mysteries of the Sith? I'm still reading book 1 of the Thrawn trilogy so I haven't gotten that far into the story.


If anybody knows anything about this, I'd be glad if you'd enlighten me.

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One of the biggest problems with continuity is you need to remember that most of the Star Wars books occuring after RotJ are not exactly endorsed by Lucas Arts, hence the "official" version of the story could do just about anything it wanted.

(Of course, I could be very wrong here. I'm not that much of a Star Wars nerd beyond JK2 and reading about 3 or 4 books, for what it's worth :p)


But as for the saber color, chances are the Devs just forgot. :D

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