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model creater


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You can use Gmax to export to MD3 then use the model viewer to turn the model into a GLM. So doing sabers in Gmax is possible.


You can do the same thing with Milkshape. Right now it is kind of hard to do characters in anything other than MAX4. But give progamers time to catch up and they will build tools for the other progams such as milkshape and g-max. However I would tend to lean toward them being built for Milkshape before Gmax.


To make plugin's for Gmax you need the blessing of the development team, and Discreet. That can be a costly little process becuause discreet likes to have people throw lots of money at them before they will concider adding something to Gmax. where as Milkshape will almost always add it if it works correctly. Since you can't use MAX plugin's for Gmax, Gmax users are almost in the same boat as milkshape users :(



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