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Connection Interrupted


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I am having a problem joining a personal server.


It is run on my friends PC, who is on an intranet with another friend who is also playing.


I can connect to either friend and play no problem. As soon as the other friend joins, the game goes all to hell. If the friend leaves the game returns to normal.


They share a Cable Inet connection, and I run Cable myself. Since I can get in with like a 39 ping and play great until the other player joins, I don't think its a connection problem, per se. The other player is joining over an intranet connection (as they are on a small LAN) so I don't know why it would have such an effect.


The server isn't dedicated, but all of our machines are pretty beefy.


My machine, P4 2.2A, 512DDR, Geforce4 TI 4400.

Friend1, P4 1.8A, 512DDR, Geforce4 TI 4400.

Friend2, Celeron 1400, 512PC133. Geforce4 TI 4400.


Any suggestions? We all are set to Cable/LAN. I have had the servers set the Max Rate to 5000...

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