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Need some Non dedicated answers


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I tried to gather some usefull information from this forum but it is so scattered I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. The search feature is out of order, and the sticky fact isn't really a fact.


I am trying to create a non dedicated duel server with my cable connection. I should have enough bandwidth, and I barrowed a server.cfg from my friend and put it into my base folder. I click on the game icon, go to create server and click begin. Once ingame I type exec server.cfg into the console and the game reintitializes itself normally.


The problem is I don't think its being listed on the game browser, gamespy, or the all seeing eye. I booted it all up and refreshed my allseeingeye duel servers and its not listed. Yes I disabled my firewall.


What am I doing wrong?


What command line should I use in a shortcut to get a non dedicated server going?


Here is my server.cgf which I placed into my base folder, its fairly basic but I'll add to it once I get the server working properly. BTW all the options I wanted work fine with this config.


Am I missing some imprtant step? I relly tried to read the forums first before asking.



// Server Config


seta sv_hostname "^0[^1Rancor Pit^0]^2JMP,^4Ghoul2,^1NF"


seta g_motd "Welcome to the Rancor's Pit, Ghoul2 is enabled!"


rconpassword "*****"


seta g_gametype 3


seta sv_master1 masterjk2.ravensoft.com


seta sv_master2 master0.gamespy.com


seta sv_allowdownload 0


seta g_saberghoul2collision 1


seta cl_saberghoul2collision 1


seta fraglimit 3


seta duel_fraglimit 3


seta sv_pure 0


seta g_filterban 1


seta g_dismember 100


seta sv_maxclients 5


seta g_inactivity 0


seta sv_maxRate 3000


seta g_duelWeaponDisable 65535


seta g_weapondisable 65535


seta bot_minplayers 0


seta bot_thinktime 100


//Forces allowed (jump throw) 26617


//Forces allowed (jump) 163837


seta g_forcepowerdisable 163837


seta g_allowvote 1


seta timelimit 10


seta g_autoMapCycle 0


seta privateclients 1


seta privatepassword "******"


map duel_training



Any help you can give me to get me stated with a non-dedicated server would be great thanks. Please list basic steps if you could so others can learn to. Thanks, Gadget.

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After digging into these forums a little deeper I read that if you are running a non-dedicated server, your server's ip and name won't show up in the in game browser or the allseeingeye.


Is this true? What would be the point of hosting a non-dedicated server if the general public couldn't see it. Is there a way around this if it is true?


If this damn forum actually had a fact sticky with facts in it I wouldn't have to flood this forum with the same stupid questions, sorry.


Could someone please tell me the facts please. I only have one computer. I want to run a server. I figure the only way I can host a server and play on a server is by making it a NON-dedicatd server. If I could play on it it wouldn't be dedicated right? Or am I assuming to much here?


Thanks in advance, Gadget.

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Have you left the server running for any length of time? If you have exec'ed the config file then I think all the seta settings should have been written into your default listen server file (can't remember which one it is), so just starting an Internet server should be all that is needed? Leave it running for a while and see if anyone joins in. I think it will only not broadcast itself if you choose Lan server, but I'm not sure.

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After digging into these forums a little deeper I read that if you are running a non-dedicated server, your server's ip and name won't show up in the in game browser or the allseeingeye.



What would be the point of hosting a non-dedicated server if the general public couldn't see it.
er.. lots of reasons i cba listing



I figure the only way I can host a server and play on a server is by making it a NON-dedicatd server.
no. u can join ur own dedicated server. it will be listed under local games for u.



If this damn forum actually had a fact sticky with facts in it I wouldn't have to flood this forum with the same stupid questions, sorry.
if u would actually experiment with it urself we wouldn't have to hear ur gay bitching u woman.
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Wow Seether, you come to tech forums to flame people? In most game communities the jerks tend to stay in the general or off topic forums, but this just shows how bad this community has gotten.


You coud have spent the same 5 minutes filling this thread with useful information somebody else may use, but you decided to help your post count instead.


You wanker.

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actually i answered some of ur questions. trying to be helpful.

i did not flame u, i just wanted u to stop being a *****.

and now u have dedicated a whole post just to insult me, i mean cmon u loser/hypocrit, i just said 1 line at the end of the questions i answered.


im not gonna continue this debate, so now u can go get a life u freak.


btw, i dont care about my post count, u obviously do soon as u replied to it, flaming me for my help, any mature person would of took the advice and gone to experiment themselves.



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