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Help! I have no clue how to map!


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I've been wanting to learn how to map for a little while now, so that I can make my own map of the cloning facility on Kamino.


But, my only problem is that I have NO CLUE how to do anything.


I downloaded that JKRadiant program from JediKnighII.net, but it didn't come with any tutorials or anything.


If somebody could show me a place that explains this whole thing from the ground up, that'd be great.



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I started out on that Bubba's "First Room" thing, but it really confused me, since it was talking about the Q3Radiant program, and not the JK2Radiant one.

Although they are similar, the differences are numerous, and they really screwed me up.


Also, I got my room finished, but when it came time to add textures, all it had were stuff like "fog", "color" and "system", and all the textures in those three things really sucked. The just had like one word repeating over and over again on the wall.

So, I guess I need to know how to add new textures.


Also, I finished the map, and I tried it out (crappy textures and all), but it took me back to the main menu with an error message saying something about my version being "1230123908" (a bunch of numbers that I can't remember), and that it needs to be 1.


Any advice?

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