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cant make .bsp files!


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my GTKradiant wont make .bsp files for my maps. everyone i ask says "oh just clik on fullvis [extra] and your there!" well that doesnt work at all for me. ive downloaded every update and whatnot, and _nothing_ works. why? how do i make .bsp files? i have all of these maps ready to be compiled and i cant get them to compile. help!


oh and none of this "just click fullvis" crap. every one tells me that and it doesnt work.



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What exactly is wrong, you say"I can't compile it doesn't work" WHAT!!! What doesn't work!? I'm not a GTK fan and think you should use JK2Radient, but still, it keeps you from making good maps. But people need to know what's wrong, state your problem...





:craider: *tusken battle cry*

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beat me up about it why dont you.


anyways, its been said to me that to make a .bsp file from a map file in gtk (and jk2radiant, the same way) is to click the BSP menu bar item and click 'fullvis[extra]'. i do that, an msdos window pops up, does something for about 2 seconds, then says its finished. nothing after that. its also been told to me that when that msdos window says its done, its actually still compiling, and should wait about 10 minutes (on larger maps) for it to fully finish. i once tried to start compiling around midnight and woke up several _hours_ laters to find that it didnt do crap. (this happens to me in jk2radiant also, so dont tell me its gtk) apparantly i have all the needed files/programs. why wont it compile into a .bsp file. there appears to be no leaks, my walls and floors extend well enough to overlap each other greatly. whats going on? i want my .bsp files!


- a wonderfully groggy dave

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Originally posted by davre_gamob

beat me up about it why dont you.


anyways, its been said to me that to make a .bsp file from a map file in gtk (and jk2radiant, the same way) is to click the BSP menu bar item and click 'fullvis[extra]'. i do that, an msdos window pops up, does something for about 2 seconds, then says its finished. nothing after that. its also been told to me that when that msdos window says its done, its actually still compiling, and should wait about 10 minutes (on larger maps) for it to fully finish. i once tried to start compiling around midnight and woke up several _hours_ laters to find that it didnt do crap. (this happens to me in jk2radiant also, so dont tell me its gtk) apparantly i have all the needed files/programs. why wont it compile into a .bsp file. there appears to be no leaks, my walls and floors extend well enough to overlap each other greatly. whats going on? i want my .bsp files!


- a wonderfully groggy dave


Do this... check your junk.txt file and post it here.... that would better help us to be able to help you.



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are you running compile from a .map file saved in the

\GameData\base\maps folder? cause if you have it saved in a

folder somewhere else, ex under tools\maps the compile will not

work,since the tools look for the map file in \GameData\base\maps..


hope this helps.

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This is what i had to do,had to make a bat file to compile the editor never would make a bsp...

Perhaps you could try compiling from a bat file. Go to to the directory where you have sof2map.exe (usually GameData/Tools). Create a FullVis.bat file in there (it's just a text file with a bat extension). The file should contain following code:




sof2map - bsp path/filename.map

sof2map - vis path/filename.bsp

sof2map - light -extra path/filename.bsp



Replace path/filename with the exact path and filename of your map. IMPORTANT: use short DOS names. For example: c:\PROGRA~1\ and not C:\Program Files. Save and run the file.

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got it to work. thx Aniwan. thats what it was. im surprised to realize that NO tutorial has this vital piece of info. kinda stupid. anyways, i got the .bsp file, now if only i could get the dern thing to load into jk2! ^_^ dont worry, thats a whole other post, once i discover the problem. im still tweaking.


thanks again aniwan.



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