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HELP! I'm ready to kick Desann's butt, but I can't get past...(possible spoilers!)


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Okay, so I'm at the Final Showdown part in Yavin...knock out the pipe for the flames to be doused -- drop down that hole and have 3 icons on 3 walls.


I'VE TRIED EVERYTHING and am beginning to wonder if the game has a glitch here...I've tried pushing all three icons. I've tried the suggestions in a few different walkthroughs including pushing only the middle icon, go down the revealed path, turn left and look for the "hard to see" icon "hit" it, run back to where you start and the empty wall is supposed to have moved. NO. Still there.


I've been running around for the past hour pushing every freakin' brick to no avail.


Please help a gamer out!




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