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EURO players only Plz!


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im lookin for a Euro or Uk based clan to join or if there r no replies then im planning to start one up of my own for EURO players cz im fed up of only seeing US or Canadian clans.

if ur offering im a fairly skilled all-round player who prefers dark force and fast combat style (n i only prefer sabre but im gud wiv weapons).


if ur interested in setting up with me then ill recruit n e sides of the force and n e type of player regardless of their skill, from newb to master. but if u do require trainning then id be glad to help.


plz let me know straight away.

thx Jammyaka

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I'm looking for a stable (euro) JK2clan 2..

I'm a far above average player: i've played this game since it was released and in MP games with a dozen players i'm usually 1st or 2nd, and with about 20 players about 2nd - 4th.. Ofcourse there are exeptions: on one (non-password clan) server there where 10 people playing and 4 of them where clearly better then me..


I prefer the darkside, although i rarely use them compared with neutral powers..


So if your looking 4 a good and solid player, who's willing to share some of my tactics (and receive), I'm the man!


email me at erliko@hotmail.com

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