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Lots of detail


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Hi all. Okay, first time posting a new thread.... And this is my first time mapping since Half-Life was brand new, so bear with me! :D


Anyway, the map I'm working on (which I will post a WIP thread for when it matures a little more) has a good sized dining area. So I've put in a bunch of tables and booths. I'm a little worried about frame rates on lower end machines though. So this is my question: What's the most efficient way to add a bunch of detail like that.


In other words, are models preferable to brushes? Or something entirely different? Right now I've got 'em all made out of Detail Brushes and I'm getting decent frame rates with a few players on screen.


Thanks for any help you guys can provide. Great work all 'round BTW (ESPECIALLY Rich and Antilles).



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