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question about force push/pull


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Ok, usually when I really need this to work, it doesnt. Why does push or pull almost never work for me? Does it have to do with having a slow computer? 90% of the time, when im fighting someone, and when I decide to use push or pull from about say, 20-30 feet away from them, how come they dont move? Im aimed directly at them, use force push or pull, but all they do is hop up for a split second and nothings happened. All the time I put full points into push or pull btw.

I see these other people do it all the time to me. For instance while I was fighting someone today, all the sudden BOOM someone backstabbed my opponent. I decided to back up away from him because I was low on health, but he pulled me like an extra 10 feet towards him every pull, when he was about 30 feet away from me. After he got next to me, he then dragged me around with grip until he pushed me off a cliff. He didnt even swing his saber once at me. All the time he was pushing and pulling me around, I tried to push him as well, but all he did was flinch and stand his ground. And no he didnt have absorb on. Does anyone know what the deal is here?

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As someone else already said: It's all about vulnerability.


If you stand still and neither swing your saber or run, facing your opponent, you will automatically deflect his push / pull attempt, IF you have enough force left for one push or pull. While you need this minimum amount of force to defend, it doesn't get used up. Of course this only works if you have the same or higher power level of the opposite force your foe is using. This means: If someone is trying to push you with force push level 2, you better have force pull level 2 or higher. So I suggest you put 3 points each into push and pull if you want to play it safe.


As soon as you start running you're more likely to be pushed, pulled or even get get knocked over. If you swing the saber while running, it's almost impossible NOT to get knocked down unless you have absorb on. Same for using the force. Basically: The more you do, the less you are able to defend by reflex, so to speak.


You can only defend against ONE push or pull attack at any given time. So if two or more people try to push or pull you, it might get difficult to manage without absorb.


You will ALWAYS be push- or pulleable while in midair, no matter if absorb is on or not. So don't think absorb will protect you if you jump over large chasms.


In conclusion: Defense is the best offense here. If you know that player uses pull and push a lot, just don't run swinging at someone unless you have absorb on.







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