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Thank You

Bri-Du Pibal

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Humble Greetings,


This is in response to many of you who have applied to become part of the Rogue Jedi Clan. Myself along with Master Jedi Skillz have answered many of you.


As we stated before. Rogue Jedi does not recruit openly. How we take in new members is by invitation only. We do not recruit in gaming lobbies like Gamespy.com or openly on a server.


The way the invitation process works is as follows: While playing on our server. We not only play, but watch potential members. A Jedi Knight or Master will approach you privately.


Once this process begins. The Knight/Master will bring you before the ranking Jedi Master. After answering a few questions about the game itself, your level of play and reading of the Rogue Jedi Code. You would be notified by e-mail. Your inital contact would then act as your trainer. Your Master so to speak. Everyone brought into Rogue Jedi is considered a Padawan Learner.


Here you will begin your training. Your Master will not only teach you the ways of the Force and the game? But on how to conduct yourself while being part of Rogue Jedi.


Rogue Jedi is a "SABER ONLY" clan. We are very heavy into roleplay as well. We find that roleplay adds more to the game than just logging onto a server and swinging a saber.


At the present time. Rogue Jedi has a capped membership of 12. But this may change shortly as our Padawan Learners become ready to face "The Trials". There is no set time on how long a member remains a Padawan Learner.


All are welcome to play on our server. Just remember that we enforce "The Saber Code". A Person with their saber disengaged shall not be attacked or forced. Violating "The Saber Code" will result in a swift kick from the server.


Please feel free to browse our website as well. http://www.roguejedi.assocltd.com is our server IP.

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