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Hey Mike Gummelt, JKII Gameplay Programmer

{XG} Snape

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All you had to say in that interview Frag 101.


Just use pull/backstab/Spin. Run around backwards attacking.


The whole artical was a waste of time to read.


As For ZeMadFrenchman the interviewer

from 3Daction planet.


How about some Gutts.


Why not ask the real Question?


Whens the new patch comming out to fix this new trend of Backwards fighting. Do some homework and play the game.

Read some post and Quit Kissing ass asking soft questions.


Very disaponted you had the man right there. Right there and you wussed..




Game mods that the JKII Gameplay Programer didn't write come's up. Whats this all about Mike wants to play game mods he didn't write.. What the hell? Everyone just love's mods. (not)


Verry verry disapointed this interview.



Good Game Gone Bad 101.


Should of been the Name of the interview with hard hitting questions.


{XG} Snape


(Don't mind me I'm just venting after play some FFA an not one good clean fight there all back attackers)

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