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1st level, part II - yawn

Ahpook The Dest

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Ok, I've killed everything I can find except for these three guys in a room w/ a green crystal and I can find no way to even get in there. The only door I have not been through is red and locked and it appears to be the one I need to go through to get down there. Is there some "back way" into there? I've done everything else I can find and I've circled and circled the level. How do I get down there????

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Okay, this may not help at all, but here it goes.


p.s. can someone tell me how to encrypt them?


alright - what needs to be done is that you need to make sure you have much life. Charge into the green room and get a key. Charge back the way you came. You should now be able to unlock the door across from the green room door. (not the one in the room) Use the droid. Don't go in droid portal that leads into green room, use other. At very last room is a key thingy that deactivates the green thing. Press jump to exit. Hope that helps. Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh JediMaster,

can you please elaborate a little more?


I am stuck in this same spot.........

I dont see any droid, I have the key, and which door across from the green room do you mean?........The one to the leftpast the window looking into the room with the green crystal, or the one directly across that goes into the small control room with 2 switches and has the small passage in it?




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i was stuck here forever too. if you are at the window overlookign the green room, turn 180 degrees and you should see a door on your left (marked red). i believe if you approach it, the stormtroopers on the other side will open it in an effort to kill you. that allows you to continue in the level. hope this helps.



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elaboration (sorry bout that)

yes, turn 180 and go to the door. open it. there shouldn't be any troopers inside but whatever, if there are blast them. the control panel allows you to take control of a mouse droid. when you roar out the hole with him, you will see a portal. again, turn 180 degrees. you will see yourself, and another droid portal hole thing. go through it. follow it to the end and find the key hold. push the 'use' key and then (when it makes the sound) push jump. the green thing is deactivated. hope that helps, and sorry again for lack of clarification. good luck!

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