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NS Hideout

Dark Rival

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I got in the room with all the boxes and stuff. I killed the snipers in the trapped doors. At the last room with the snipers I pulled the box and followed the path to the garbage thing and tryed to push it but it didn't go that far and then just came back. What do I do? Please help me. Sorry if I didn't explain good.

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oops, sorry, thought you were else where.

SPOILERS! (dunno how to encrypt)

Okay, go out of that room. At the end of the compactors you should see a compactor that you can climb into. Has no garbage. Avoid getting smashed and find the door. quicksave recommended. Stupid gran throwing grenades makes it hard to jump. Jump to the boxes until you are beneath a door with a box. Pull it. It (door) leads to the bridge and across it (avoid stupid gran) and down a hall is the offending trash can. Pull that. Go back to where you were stuck, and push. Reveals incinerator. Hope that helps. Sorry again. My bad.

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I'm stuck in the exact same spot which is here:




In NS_hideout There is a row of garbage bins in a line, in a low clausterphobic hallway. There is a door to my right which is locked. I know it leads back out to the main area where ther are big garbage crushers and 3 eyed dudes with thermal detonators (or there were.. i, uhhh, let them run away.. hehehe).


So, I can pull or push the garbage bin, but it only goes so far and does not seem to effect anything. The garbage bin seems to have a '--5' on it or something (not quite a '5' but close).


HOW THE HELL does one get out of there? IS there another way out in all those boxes? Do I have to fall down in there somewhere?


Any help would be appreciated.



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The problem here is that you have to get to other end of that area... I'm not exactly sure of how to do that.... but one way seems to be the way mentioned there.... cos at the other end, there's another dumpster that's preventing you from pushing this dumpster forward... so at the other area, you have to pull the dumpster, then head back and push this one again... Hope that helped...

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exactly, i'm sorry if my instructions were unclear.

this should help.


when you first enter the garbage place, kyle says "whew, whats that smell?"

The garbage dumpster compactor thing, (there are four) at the end of the row (aka. the first one you see, interval where grans throw detonators, and the one after) It does not have a dumpster under its thing. Jump up in there. becareful, though, jump to far and you will unwittingly end up smashed. Avoid the smasher fairly easily and run to the opposite door. roll through to ensure survival. There is a door. quicksave recommended. Stupid gran throwing grenades makes it hard to jump. Jump to the boxes until you are beneath a door with a box. Pull it. It (door) leads to the bridge and across it (avoid stupid gran) and down a hall is the offending trash can. Pull that. this enables you to push the trash can that you are stuck at. Go back to where you were stuck, and push. Reveals incinerator. Hope that helps. Sorry again. My bad.

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