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Strange dimentional pocket problem.


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Okay, I had this error with the original Training Garden map, but somehow I fixed it. I still don'tknow how. Okay. The problem I have is that when I make a map, everything looks fine in Radiant. Then I compile and run it.


What happens is either a few brushes become hall of mirrors generators (or sometimes just one face of a brush) and/or I walk into a part of the map, any part really. And any shots fired are not seen by me as long as I'm in this area. Also any models placed inside of this strange area are not seen by anyone outside of this "pocket".


Believe me, I'm explaining it as well as I can, and it's really hard to get a screenshot of to explain it.


I can't think of any direct cause of it, as there are no entities or special effects around these areas, just simple textured brushes.


Any help would be VERY appreciated.



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a) Do you recieve any errors during compilation? (check junk.txt if you don't see compile progress in the DOS window)

b) Did you use CSGSubtruct?

c) Do you have FOG anywhere in your map?




Compile w/ Novis_Nolight and check if the problem persists. If it does, at least it will eliminate light and vis as possible cause. What remains is an evil poly. Tiny (invisible) brush which is usually the result of complex CSG work. They cause weirdness in maps. That's why the question above. The only solution in that case is to select the whole area and delete. Then rebuild it.

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A) Nope, none.


B) CSGSubtruct? Guidebook for life--I kinda figured that's what caused it, though I totally rebuilt the area around it and it still does it.


C) No, no fog in this one.



Thanke for the help. I'm willing to bet it's teh CSGSubtract, since it's the only one of the three that's a "Yes."



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I did some work--rebuilt the entire level with extremly careful work with brushes, and then I found the problem.


Appearantly, you're not allowed to overlap entities. Having them one on top of the otehr causes some kind of error, so everything lateral to the entities that are overlapped gets placed into it's own dimention or something. Don't ask me the mechanics behind it.


So as a word of warning to everyone else out there: don't place three small sheilds right on top of each other. ^^



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