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Kick while on the ground?


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This happens to me alot: I knock the guy over, I've won the fight. I go in to finish him off with a big slice, and boom: I'm suddenly kicked back, myself. He went from on the ground to kicking me in half than a second. It appears to be a bug in the game.


So, do I have to bind something to do that myself? It's just one of the many lame things I have to do to keep up with this crappy new patch, I guess. That includes ass-stabbing.

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Do you bind everything...learn how to freaking fight. It's not hard to get off the ground quickly and kick someone! Do you expect once you knock someone down that they just lay there, forever? The fight's not even close to over when you knock them down.




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You're dumb.


No. If you would pay attention: when you kick someone, they stay on the ground for an extended amount of time. The people that do this move kick me in the middle of getting up off of the ground, where as it would take people who DON'T know about the move several seconds to get up - it's out of their control.


I have never used a script to bind any special moves, so exactly what are you talking about? Good lord.

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To get up quickly after being knocked down, all you have to do is tap the "jump key" fast several times. You pop up almost immediately. I've pulled this move many a times, and yes, have kicked people trying to slash me right after knocking me down. It is not hard, and no script is needed. Now try to remember this next time someone does it to you:swear:

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You can kick coming back up if you press towards your opponent and rapidly press jump until you pop back up. It's a bit risky though, since that means you aren't moving *away* from your opponent who might be trying to nail you with a backstab or yellow special.

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It's a bit risky though, since that means you aren't moving *away* from your opponent who might be trying to nail you with a backstab or yellow special.


Very, very true. The safe bet is to get up quickly by jumping (looks like a double backflip) and then roll away (far away) as the knockdown mostly means a backsweep is coming. Rolling away takes a bit of practice as you can accidentally stand up and go into a crouch which leaves you vulnerable. With that said, there are times when even a backsweep can be prevented with a well timed kick as you stand up...

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