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Artus Topside (Not the Jan-will-not-land question again)


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Hello friends, this is my first post.


I searched previous posts but found nothing relevant to my problem.


I have great difficulty in even starting the artus_topside and I wonder If anyone can help. I also read a walkthrough for this and I don't think I go to the wrong direction. I play the game at the Jedi Knight level. I have played previous Lucas Arts Games at similar difficulty levels without stucking like I did this time.


The problem is this: As artus_topside starts, I run immediately to the alcove, kill the stormtrooper & officer very quickly, take the key & the elevator for the upper level and run for the turret. I can't "sit" on the turret unless I press jump+use at the same time. Why that?


Anyway, with practice I managed to man the turret without losing time and turn it to the AT-ST, but as this happens the AT-ST fires some missiles at me and I get the message "Ammo depleted" or something like that, then the turret is useless. In fact, I receive the first hits as I "sit" on the turret. If I ignore the AT-ST and fire on the stormtroopers who are firing at the prisoners, I either get killed by the AT-ST firing from below or I lose because too many prisoners have died...


It all lasts seconds, and I cannot run any faster, and I am quite precise in firing with the turret. I have significant experience in Jedi Knight and similar action games (Quake etc). I don't think that I could be quicker or shoot better.


I wonder If it has to do with the latest patch (1.03) which I installed or with the fact that I play with different keys than the default (this is for the jump+use issue).


Any Ideas?

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Well - here is one possible solution. It seems like you are using the turret to wipe out the troopers on top, too. that is wasteful. although i have yet to play your difficulty, on jedi i shot all of them with the blaster rifle. You should only hop in the turret when the at-st comes out. this cuts down on the amount of fire that you will receive from the at-st below. or, you could hop in the turret, and blast the one below, but since you only have limited ammo, it might not be recommended. also, the default use key, E, seems to work fine. it probably is your configuration. Hope that helps some.

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Hehe.. Try that lvl on Jedi Master! OMG! I didn't have a chance. I get on the turret.. boom boom. Ammo depleated. Then I curse at the computer turn around "Mission Failed Too Many Prisoners Have Died". I'm sitting there just in aww and asking myself if this lvl was really meant to be beaten... I just got a cheat called "use atst_death" which is supposed to kill the AT-STs in the lvl. I'm gonna start it over again. Maybe this time it'll work...

Goodluck in the game.


-Darth Sadao :emperor:

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Thank you all very much for the replies and hints, but I still can't get past it.


I finally gave up and started the game again at the Jedi level since it seems that you can't change the difficulty level at the middle of the game. I can say that this level is significantly easier. The good thing is that the action is more fluent, you don't die often. Troops and officers at this level are less in numbers and also less aggressive and each one requires fewer shots to get killed.


It seems that either the diffculty was too high for me (getting too old for that stuff?) or there is an error at that level allowing too little time to clear the enemies. At the Jedi Knight level, there are many stormtroopers at artus_topside firing from the top (some firing at you), and when you kill the first 3 or 4 of them a new team of troopers comes in to replace them. Four more troopers emerge from the room in front, again firing at you. Each trooper requires 4 or 5 shots to get killed at this level, and the "too many prisoners have died" message comes in very quickly. From what I've seen, the turret might have just enough ammo for the 2 at-st's and many of the troopers, but each shot you take while on it, reduces the available ammo. Maybe the solution is to lure the lower at-st away in the canyon and take care of it later. I tried that, it works (the at-st will stay at the far end of the canyon), but time passes and the prisoners die. I also tried to maximise time by trying to take the elevator without killing the trooper and officer in the alcove but it doesn't work because the trooper stays in front of the button and you must spend some time to kill him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thie is exactely my Problem!!


I beat the game on jedi and would like to play a harder difficulty, I am totally compfortable at jedi Knight diff. until that situation.


I wonder if anybody ever beat the game without cheating at jedi knight diff?!


Since I belive this situation is a major bug I would even cheat to get past it, but no cheat I know can help here. Even playing god mode does not help cause the prisoners die soooo damm fast and the "ammo depleted" of the turret kicks in too fast too.


even with give all u cant beat it since the at-st in the canjon ca not be killed by anything than the turret ( I tried several times with the rocket launcher)

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I don't think it'll help, but you only get the message "weapon ammo depleted" when the turret you are on is destroyed.

I did this...


Run into room and kill stormtrooper and officer, activate switch and run outside and onto the lift.

When you get up top, run and get on the turret and target the AT-ST below you and destroy it.

Starting from the left, aim at the stormtroopers on the balcony and go from left to right shooting them. Target the troopers that come out of the room to the right (but also try to keep the top balcony clear. Easy to say I know, but you can do it!)

You should only have a little "turret health" left, so aim at the door where the second AT-ST comes from and keep firing until it is in view, then target it. It won't get a shot off before you destroy it.

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gamefaqs.com has a walkthrough and actually a specific for beating this section on jedi master level basically its this:


The people up top don't actually start dying and until you go up there so dont go up, first... once killing the officer and trooper on the bottom level run along to the far loading bay where the walkers on the bottom level originate from, run past the walker and keep strafing to avoid trooper fire, don't stop!


The walker will follow you along so what you do know is lure it as far in to the bay section as you can then run like hell back to the lift hugging the rock wall on the RIGHT , with luck -and you may need to retry this, the walker will get caught on one part of the wall that juts out. so hop it up the lift take out the troopers and walker topside, swilvel round and hopefully with enough ammo take out the walker on the bottom level.


easy peasy ;):D

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exactly . . . .

one thing. when the turret gets hit, the ammo is depleted for some weird reason. for uriel-how's question of cheats, one word:


(don't forget god)


summon a bunch of npc spawn rebels to your aid. either works. good luck.

p.s. when i played on the jediknight diff. lvl., i managed to get to the turret and not get shot at. its probably a bug, but it managed to stay behind the cliff face, and just wasted ammo on it. dunno, food for thought.

May the Force Be with You

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I played the game at Jedi Knight level and this part was very difficult.. what I ended up doing was running around in front of the AT-ST and tossing grenades and shooting rockets at it and then I went up top and did the rest.. it was very difficult though.. spose I could have used cheats there but I wanted to get through it without cheating..

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If you feel like cheating just to get past, then type "giveall" or "give all" (cant remember which one) and use the DEMP or rocket launcher :D


However, i wouldn recommend cheating if you are planning to play without them, because then you wont get the "i did it!"-feeling when you have beat Desann.

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