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“From the top of the rampart…through the pillars of smoke and fire, I could see the enemy. The Imperial Stormtroopers had entrenched themselves around the citadel and I could see in the distance massive walkers cresting over the ridge heading right for our position. It wouldn’t be long before they were close enough to be in range.


Before falling to enemy fire, Colonel Shaw had his fire teams line up between the parapets and he had given orders to target any enemy in range. The heavy weapons teams were directly behind them, and they too were given the same orders.


I was up there with Sergeant Addison’s commandos. Addison had met his demise in the opening of the enemy attack, so I was having his troops lend support to the heavy weapons teams. It was only by chance that we had held on this long. It was truly most astonishing that the citadel’s structure itself had not yet buckled from the constant barrage of Imperial heavy fire.


Shaw was an instrument of magnificent valor. Raising his hand over his head and bellowing the order to attack. He never knew what hit him. The enemy fire took his head clean off, and his lifeless form fell from the bulwark to the trenches below.


Our primary defenses had been smashed hours ago and the overwhelming enemy numbers had sacked our last few companies of infantry. Inside the false safety of the doomed stronghold, crimson stains and fallen Rebel troopers littered the floors and walls. I knew we would be pounded to dust when those walking goliaths came into range and brought their weapons to bear.


It was then that Major Forbes brought to my attention what would be our salvation as he pointed into the horizon…At this, our most desperate hour, explosions shook the ground beneath us as the Imperial’s entire flank caved in. Then I saw them.


They seemed to come out of nowhere…squadrons of X-Wing and Y-Wing fighters. They assaulted the walking column of doom with a flurry of fire that crippled the behemoths one by one. I was so preoccupied watching the spectacular array of aerial combat that I never noticed the ground assault that smashed through the enemy’s flank.


They executed their movements with textbook precision and it was only when they came in close that I realized who they were. They ran through the trenches with lightening fast speed leaving behind only the corpses of slain Imperial Stormtroopers.


They were The Guardians. Their attacks on the Imperial lines caused enough destruction that the black smoke smothered the sun…The Guardians attack broke the Imperial siege and delivered us from the jaws of death.”


- From the records of General Gaither Peryx of the Rebel Alliance

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