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how do I u/v map and export to md3 in Gmax?


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exporting to md3 is easy, you just need the import/export plugin which comes with tempest. to save people the download of Tempest i've uploaded said plugins to the files section of my site here. uvmapping is also fairly simple, once ur model is a mesh go to Modfiers panel, scroll down the Modifiers List to UVW Map and resize/alighn the orange box that appears, then go back to the Modifiers List and select Unwrap UVW, click Edit on the rollout that appears then edit the map to ur hearts content! thats a very simplified look at it, if u can bear to wait till the weekend my gmax modelling tutorial should be done and uploaded, if u need help earlier u can email me at mat_howe@hotmail.com, im always happy to help people out.

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