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How do i add rain...


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lol, I'm sorry(very uninformative)

You cannot do rain in mp, it's not possible and it screws up fps(at least that's what I've heard, you may want a second opinion)

You can do fog and fire.

Fog is a texture type thing, I'm not entirely sure how to do that...

Fire is an entity:

1. Right click your map(in the 2d view)

2. select fx>fxrunner

3. type in the key "fxfile"

4. type in the value "env/fire.efx"


There are several types of fire including small fire(type in env/small_fire.efx)

and fire wall(I don't know what to type in, fire_wall.efx or something like that)


And always remember to type in "env/" before the name of the efx.


Hope this helps!





:no wampa smily:mad: make one!: Roar!

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