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SP character mods/skins - problems! HELP!


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Hi all.

I've downloaded a few character mods to replace Kyle in single player.

All of them say to stick the .pk3 file into the gamedata/base directory.


None of them ever worked, i'd just have an invisible character in single player. I started a new game like they all said, trying the mods one at a time.


I went into the files and did some editing of the darth vader single player mod. I had to change lines of code in the model_default.skin file so that things pointed to the right folders etc. Eventually vader worked in single player.


I'll try this with the other ones to see if they work (jango, boba, maul etc...).


I just wanted to know why i had to edit these lines in the files? Aren't these meant to just go right into the gamedata/base directory? Not many other people seem to have this problem with being invisible in single player while using a character mod. Have i just been incredibly unlucky and all the ones i've downloaded and they have been put together wrong or what???


I got these mods mainly from jk2files.com

And i made sure they were specifically for single player.


Any help appreciated!

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Could someone just answer the question??

I have the same problem. Most of the mods give an invisable char.

They only one that worked, for me, was the darth slaught/slyther mod; but even then the torso was invisable. If I open the console with shift~, I get the error "Cant find shader for Vader/torso.tga.


It gets a rating of four.5 sabers on jediknightii.net, so are only some people having this problem or do people just rate the damn thing based on the name.:(

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