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Cairn Reactor Supply Key(s) - Am I missing something?


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Hey guys,

I'm playing through the single player game (quite awesome) and just got to the end of the Cairn Reactor level. However, I've run into something that's really bugging me. I tend to be thorough - I like to explore every area, find every secret, and open every crate so I see all of the level, but I've come to a bit of an impass that's bugging me, and before I just move on, thought I'd ask. There are two crates on the level - one is in the room with the small walker and all the stormtroopers above you, and the other is past that and inside the structure with all the lifts (towards the center level). Upon passing the reactor and entering the room with the first crate, I killed a nearby officer and found a supply key to open it. However, after thorougly exploring, I cannot seem to find the key to the second crate anywhere. My initial thought was I must have pushed off an officer and the key from one of the levels where they can fall, but I loaded a savegame and played that part again, being careful to make sure I didn't push any officers off, and still no key. So either I missed something (maybe in the reactor part?), or you can only open one of the crates, which I suppose is possible, though up until now you can open everything. Probably sounds like a dumb question (and I peeked so I know nothing important's in it), but it's still driving me nuts. =oP




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Just letting you know that you're not alone. That crate is bugging me too. There is a similar post on this over at jedi-outcast.com. My guess is that it's a bug, or the key is in a REALLY obscure place. At least I feel a little better now knowing that it isn't just me haiving a problem with this crate.

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Hey there,

Well, I'm really glad to know I'm not alone. I actually found the post at Jedi Outcast (I also made one there, but there was another one quite a while ago), and it seems that several people have run into this but nobody I've seen has found both keys, so I think you're right - there must not be one. I can't imagine it's just well hidden or somebody would have mentioned it by now I'd think (but maybe so - please tell if anybody knows). Maybe Raven just did that to torture souls like us. LOL. At any rate, I reluctantly progressed and so far haven't run across any similar situations. Thanks for the reply!



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