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grrrr......Project Setbacks


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Just thought I'd let everyone out there know that Malastare Slave Battlegrounds will have to be delayed some more, although I'm not sure any of you care that much. But, I am away from my high speed internet for the summer and until I have some sort of connection I won't be able to test it online. I will take this added time to really spruce it up, although I'm trying to keep the poly count low and give it a great playability, I've noticed that reducing tricky lighting really improves gameplay for those of you trying. I also could use a few more BETA TESTERS if any one out there is interested, I need lots of opinions, I'm making this for fans of playing the game, not for its physical looks, so I need testers to help me improve it. Just post a reply if you are interested, thanks guys. And as soon as I have access to a good computer/internet I'll let you know so we can start playing it, shouldn't be long now. thanks!




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