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A Radical Idea


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I was reading the modeling forum just a bit ago, and the thread about the problems with getting Yoda in game, due to an almost uneditable animation format, as well as multiplayer size restrictions, and I began wondering.


Would it be possible for a sufficiently advanced coder, given the code we have access to, to be able to actually code in support for a different model/animation format, such as Quake3's basic system?


I'm not much of a coder, not one at all really, but would this theoretically be possible?

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Well the thing is the reason why its made the way it is, is because of a fairly complex range of animations that are already there. Even if they made it easy to do, people would still have to make alot of animations to go with the stuff. Could be some other techinical reasons also. I imagine they had plenty of reasons of why they did it that way.

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i dnt think its the size problem, more the Ghoul engine not knowing what to do with model smaller then in the humanoid.glm

I dont think its possible, to have mp models with ghoul engine

that are diffrent then the original ones.

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Well, even if it's not possible to do something on the scale of my first idea, why not make a mod which allows modelers to use config file like the npc.cfg in singleplayer for scaling and whatnot of their models? It would probably be a much simpler way to accomplish the same thing.

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