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error Message


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Ok I would just like some help with an error message i am recieving when i try to play the mulitplayer game. I have read through the last 60 days of posts and saw 2 other posting about this problem, but there was really no definate answer to the question. the problem starts just as i enter a multiplayer game. after a few seconds i get "CL_ParcePacketEneity error" and i get kicked back into the multiplayer main menu. I have reinstalled 4 times so far. I have a cable modem, and just to be sure its not my connection i tried playing at 5 AM when the network lag should have been at a minimum. And i still get the error:( someone, anyone please help!

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Yeah, im having the same problem as you, i can create games, but cant join em, if i do, i get kicked out after a sec with the message: server disconnected.

Kinda annoying since i want to test my skills against a real player instead of bots all the time.

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