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help with cairn bay level


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hi guys, i hope you can help me with this.


i'm stuck on the cairn bay level. Its the one where Luke turn up to help you and then runs off a few dead enemies later.


I've opened the big doors and gone through a few rooms but i've ended up in a sort of crorridor that has a lift that looks jammed. The gap to go underneath it is too small but you can get in the lift and then jump up to a small hole that is all lit up in red.

On the other side of that hole is a lift that is automatically going up and down. I can get in it or ontop if it but all the doors it stops at are locked.


Any help you can give me whould be much appreciated.


This is such a cool game!

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Ok.. hmmm...

When you finish hacking the Reborn up and Luke decides to "run away". There is a door in the room, not the one you came through on your way. Go in there. I should somewhere along the line take you to the room behind the force field in the main hangar and there should be at least 3 or f4 guys in there. Hit the little switch on he consoles and don't forget the two in the back of the room. That should get you a little further without giving everything away.


-Darth Sadao :emperor:

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that hasn't helped i'm afraid.


I pushed that object down the famp using the force. That will enable to climp up that whole but that just takes me somewhere i've been already.


I really am stuck on this one. Please help me.

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Hi There,


Don't bother with going back up through the hole in the vent,

go in to the next room and go in to the broken down lift.



I'm stuck a little bit further on, can some one please tell me

once you get out of the lift's and then go in to a big room

where ther building something, (and that big arm is going

round it welding it) Haw do I get out of there???


Best Regards,


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There are four lifts you have to jump thtough at this place:


You can hop into the first lift in the hall with the cannons, you get to the second through a redlighted ventilation hole, the third one is reached by a bluelighted small corridor one level higer than the one where you entered the second lift. From the third lift you must jump over a hole to a platform next to the last lift, which has a broken roof. Just jump into that lift and follow it down to the bottom. Then go thorugh the door to the next level....

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Hi Lionen


Thanks for the Quik reply, I'v got past the lift's, but it's the

next level I'm stuck on, I'v killed everyone out side the lift and

now I'm stuck as I cant get out of the big room with that

thing in the middel which has that arm on it that is going

round it welding it.


Best Regards,


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