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Lando's ship


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There are 2 console thingies with pipes attached to them next to his ship. On each one there is a symbol, 1 red one and 1 blue one. Take a look at them, then go outside. There's a generator of some sort. Jump on it, and put the same symbols you saw near Lando's ship on the consoles there (red and blue)

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good reply, TIMBER, but thats for the gas lines. what logan416 needs is to get into the hanger.


at the beginning of the level, you (kyle) and lando walk up to the control room. lando says he could do some stuff from there. whatever. okay, theres two lifts in the room, find the one that takes you to the floor below, and go through a door (i'm sorry if the instructions are unclear, but it helps to figure things out on your own and its no fun being told exactly where to go and having no fun) anyway, you should be in a room with some weird chasm. stupid room, but cool to push people into. go to the far end and through the door. this place should be dark, so whip out the goggles, and explore.*** at the end of there you are on the roof. blast around till lando tells you to destroy some abnoxious turrets. jump up to where the turret was (use disruptor or whatever) and jump to where stupid gran is throwing dets. recommend quicksave before jumping. you should be able to find it from there. when you reach the grans perch, take a left. Good Luck and sorry for the length.

*** if you are like me, and aren't very efficient in the dark, just:

shift + ~

helpusobi 1

give batteries

- theres no shame in that

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This was my strategy. I used my lightsaber as my weapon choice. As soon as I get my shields up (while Lando is still talking), I start moving towards where i know the baddies are going to be coming from. As soon as Lando tells me we've got company, I Force speed it down and start slicing and dicing. I use Force speed as much as possible.

Yes, it took me a few tries to get all the baddies killed without dying, or getting Lando killed. But I eventually did it. And I had to do it twice, because the first time, Lando got stuck in a weird position on his ship, and I couldn't complete the level.


Hope this helps. Good luck!;)

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DEFINITELY make mucho use of force speed in this level. It helps when the number of enemies is so large. Use the lightsaber mostly, but a couple of well-placed mines or thermal grenades can clear out a few enemies at a time.


Once Lando gets inside the ship, wait inside and make sure to prevent any enemies from entering the ship; Lando's pretty much helpless in there.


Issabr jameel! (Arabic for "Patience is beautiful")

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