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how is JKradiant handling paths?


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has anybody got a guide how jkradiant is handling

paths? it seems to me as if i can´t set all paths manually and the build in ones sometimes don´t apply. my specific problem is that i can´t include

a tree out of the yavin map into mine. i was usings the right click, misc, misc_model funktion specified the tree but it won´t load?

when i was trying to view it with the viewer it said ´texture missing´ i unpacked the .pk3 file found the textures and copied them into the models/map_objekts/yavin folder. now i was able to

open the trees in my viewer but still jkradiant says : unable to open file...

my guess is it´s too missing the textures but i found no way specifying a path. the models i acces directly via rightclick, weapons funktion properly. it seems it´s just the misc_model funktion that does not work

k, i appreciate all hints


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