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skin request: Gir from IZ


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if someone has made a Yoda model or something smaller, could someone make a Gir skin? Gir is the little stupid robot from Invader Zim, and it'd go great with about a hundred small clips of his voice on the 'net. for the death sound, "TACOOOOOS!" or "Awe man!". When you kill someone, "I like destroying." When you defeat someone, "Why IS his head so big? WHYYYY is his HEAD so BIIIIG?" or "It's just a baby. HI BABY!!!!!!!", and as a taunt, "Where are my walnuts?". The possibilities are endless.


Plus, it's a great defense... When someone sees and hears that cute little moron, they'll be all "awwwww its so dumb its ADORABLE" and then you get Yoda on their ass.

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