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Looking for experienced jedi knight 2 players to join clan


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Well the subject pretty much says it all i do have a site it isnt anything special but it will be eventurally now on to the real info


im looking for ppl who are experienced in jedi knight 2


the clan will mainly consist of CTF BUT we may play other games as a team as well it doesnt always have to be CTF but it will be mainly that (alot of the nights we end up playing all games)


The webpage says im looking for a specific amount of ppl but now that i realize that just erase that part we will take as many ppl as we need/want if your good i will even accept noobs to the game and will train you


the webpage is http://www.geocities.com/jonkorn9/sifadeious.html

(yes the flash is off by a few seconds ill fix that later)

you can contact me by forums or email ( mfield@evansinet.com)for more infomation and what not


The clan name is Team sifa deious

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