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Saber Help Please!!!!!


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Hey guys,


Ok, I'm still working on my first model of a saber hilt and have run into a wall of sorts... After construction of the hilt, I'm up to about 1080 polys and need to bring that down a bit. In gmax I've selected the saber and went to the "smooth" option, and even though it seems to have a lower polycount, the properties still says 1080 polys. Please help!!!

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If you are using file/properties, then clicking on content to get your poly count. That is actualy the file properties. The poly count of your model at the time you last saved.


A better way (and this was just shown to me a few days ago) is to click on the utitiles (the hammer) and click the configure button sets. Change the total number of buttons to 12 and drag the utility called "polygon counter" to the empty button.


Now select everything in your scene and click on the polygon counter. It counts the polys in what ever you have selected so if you have tags leave them out of the selection.


Pretty cool huh?


You can even set your poly limit and it lets you know when your getting close. ALSO for sabers try to keep your hilts under 600 polys. A good technique is to keep your sabers low poly is to keep the number of sides and height segments as low as possible. the Gmax default is kind of high.


I would set them up like this before ever starting to build.


Height Segments: 1

Cao segments: 1

Sides: 6


This will help you keep the over all shape the same but keep your poly count low. You may want to try it out on the next saber you do?

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DOH!!! Man I feel like a goofball now! I was thinking there was an overall setting for everything you make to be set to those parameters. Anyway, thanks a lot guys... I know I'm new to this thing, but I'll get the hang of it with your help.

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