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Help with finishing a saber model - Please Click here :)

Chiss Lord

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Can you see it in modview? Does it have it's texture? If you can you will need to zip the GLM & the jpg skin, with zero compression. The path MUST say /models/weapons2/saber. Change the file name from saber.zip to saber.pk3. Once that is done you drop it in your base (not base/models/weapons2/saber, just the base folder) folder and start the game.


It is kind of tricky to get the zip correct but here is what I do.

- Make a folder on your desktop, right click new/folder, name it models.

- Open and make a new folder, call it weapons2.

- Open that make a new folder call it saber.

- Now put your saber.glm and your saber.jpg (<--skin) in the saber folder, close all of those windows so your back to your desktop.

- Start a new zip and drag the models folder into it. Make sure to turn compression off. If your using winzip you want your action to be set to Add (and replace) files and compression right under that set to none.

- uncheck the save full path info box. If it is checked it will not give you models/weapons2/saber, it iwll give you a path that is incorrect and too long. c:\windows\desktop\models2\saber.


Again your path line in the zip file must say:


models/weapons2/saber <---- Correct


c:\windows\desktop\models2\saber <---- BAD


Once that is done your ready to toss it in the jk2 "BASE" folder and start the game!



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Another problem...


I've got the model skinned, converted to glm, etc. It looks good in modview, so I pk3 it and put it in the game.


Instead, its gives me the model for the original saber with my textures on it. (I also tried loading it with all the LODs and it comes out with the same thing.)


Any idea of what could be wrong here?

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OK, here's exactly what I did. What did I mess up in?


Made model with milkshape, put it where the w_saber model was in the regular saber model.


Generated control file and MD3


Made jpg skin texture, mapped polygons for that so it has texture


Went into MD3 View, generated glm.


Went into modview, and the thing can't find a file its looking for called models/players/model/skin.tga

I gave it that file, which is identicle to the jpg, and the texture becomes viewable in ModView


Zipped with no compression as a pk3

models/weapons2/saber/w_saber.glm and saber.jpg


also put in that tga file that modview wanted


put the pk3 in base, loaded jk2

Loaded a map, and saw that I had my textures on the default saber model.



Any obvious mistakes?

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Just an idea. I have no experience in this. But try copying the saber model (md3) and renaming it to saber_w_1.md3 then put it in the same folder as the other model so that you now have 2 models.


If this works tell me and if you could could you finish up my model I made of Kyle's first saber? I'd be eternally grateful.

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I fixed it... I saved it as w_saber, instead of saber_w (which is what its supposed to be)




As for your saber, how much did you do on it? If I can get mine to work (now it sticks out of your leg, but I made a new thread for that) I'll take a look at it and if I can I'll finish it for you.

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