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Error Message in Multiplayer


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I started playing a multiplayer game against bots this moring and this error message kept popping up: "CL_ParsePacket Entites: end of message" and kicking me out of my game. Sometimes there is a small variation in the message, the next time I see the other I'll post it. (it comes up less often)


System specs (if you need it):


AMD Athlon 700Mhz

384mb SDRAM

Voodoo 5 5500

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If you are using a warezed out version then I suggest that is your problem. I was getting the same error message. I downloaded a fix from KaZaA. Once you open KaZaA do a search for "jedi knight 2 outcast multiplayer fix." The file size should be 536K. I hope it works for you. Peace Out!

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