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Bot Support and Making Bots


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Two questions.


How do I add bot support to a map?! I read the tutorial and I understood it no probs but it doesn't work.


I typed devmap mapname +set bot_wp_edit 1 and the map loads but if I type bot_wp_add all I get is unknown command. Putting + before the original devmap will not load the map and putting a \ before bot_wp_add doesn't work either, which is what Unikorn said to do.


Onto question 2.


How do I give a skin, bot support? I have those Ep2 skins and I want to add bot support but I'm not too sure how. Is there a tutorial on the net somewhere. There was none on jkii.net.



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to your first question: no idea


to the second: getting bot support for a skin is quite simple.

just add a folder named "scripts" with a .jkb file and a folder named "botfiles" with a .bot file in it to your skin's pk3-archive.

you can copy those files from other skins with bot support or find it in the main .pk3. Just rename them and make sure, that they point to the right files (you can alter these files with a word editor, then you'll see what I mean.);)


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