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Small issues to be fixed


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It's always the small things. Here are some things that need to get fixed, in my opinion. If someone else already mentioned these points, forgive me, but the search function on this board has been disabled for reasons beyond me.


- While it's nice that Health is reset to 100 for the winner of a duel in FFA, both of the duelists' health and shields should be set to 100/25 at the beginning of a duel, regardless of their previous stats.


- Why is it that saber throw ignores the duelists invulnerability / allows the duelists to damage other players?


- A few have noticed: It's clearly inacceptable that backpedalling goes as fast as running forward. Gun-users can forever run away from saberists while firing at them. Plus, saber battles look just like JK1, the model movement looks nowhere realistic if players run backwards as fast as forward.




A Fanboy's Rants:


- It's called an YSALAMIRI, not "Ysalimari", for heaven's sake! One could think Raven doesn't know anything about Expanded Universe!


- Regardless of that interview with someone of the Raven staff: Kyle's Father was NO jedi, period!




I have some issues about jedi vs. merc, too, but since it's not a supported feature, I guess I can't really complain. ;)




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