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How Kick a person? without call vote

Killrah Goku

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If you are connected to your server type the following...


\rconpassword "pass_here"

\rcon status


That will bring up a status screen of everyone connected to the server. At this point, you want to find their name, then there will be a number on the far left, next to their name. Get that number then type...


\rcon clientkick #


That will kick them by their number, and it will kick them no matter how they type their name. If they have a plain, one word, no space, generic name you can kick them by their name. Assume their name is "BadGuy" you would type...


\rcon kick BadGuy


Otherwise do it by number.

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Is there any way to ban people? Sometimes kicking isn't enough and they keep coming back.


in your server config you should have this line.

seta g_banIPs ""


when your Rcon on the server and you do the rcon status you get the list with their name and # right.. Well at the rightside of that is the clients IP #

now type in rcon g_banIPs "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" and hit enter this will add that ip addy to your server config file... Not sure of a ingame way to UnBan but you can always just go into your server config and remove that IP addy. Only problem with that is most people have a dynamic IP addy, (changes about once a week when they reconnect to the ISP.) so once they are assigned a new addy they will be able to get back into your server.

Hope that helps


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